My turning point was the day I realized that passion can become a job for your life.
I have a master degree in building engineering, and used to work as project manager in a consulting hospital design studio, a challenging and stressful job that I carried on for no real reason but the fact I had decided to study engineering when I was 19.
One day, I suddenly realized it was not my path anymore: I had finally reached my turning point.
I had to follow my real talents and passions.
Though I had already attended a sommelier course and was already an experienced wine traveller and taster, I decided to deepen my wine culture, so I joined WSET and got my Level 3 award in Wines. After that, I took one year off and attended the tough Master in Communication, Management & Marketing of wine at the world famous ALMA international school in Colorno - Parma.
After the degree, I decided to start this new adventure in my hometown.
BOLOGNA.WINE was born.